A Look At The Evolution Of BI Platform Over The Years

Business Intelligence tools are crucial to the growth of a company and are a go-to tool for gaining insights and making efficient data-driven decisions. Here is the detailed evolution of this BI platforms that has immense significance today.

“BI is about providing the right data at the right time to the right people so that they can take the right decisions” – Nic Smith with Microsoft BI Solutions Marketing.

Looking At The Start Of BI

It was in 1865 when the term BI first came into existence. Cyclopaedia of Commercial and Business Anecdotes, Richard Devens used the term “Business Intelligence” to describe how a financier Sir Henry Furnese had successfully beaten his competitors and profited by understanding the market and the conditions surrounding it better than they did. More recently, in 1958, an article was written by an IBM computer scientist named Hans Peter Luhn, describing the potential of gathering Business Intelligence (BI) through the use of technology.

Avin Jain of Big Data BizViz at Cypher 2018 said that B of BI comes before A of AI as far as analytics is concerned. We have moved from the desktop based reports to web reports and from web reports to the BI world, which is from where we move to the big data and AI world.

In the present world, there are 50 plus BI products across the world but the platform story is not the same as what it was before 2007.

Evolution Of BI

In 1968, only individuals with specialised skill-set could translate data into usable information. At this time, data from multiple sources was normally stored in silos, and research was typically presented in a fragmented, disjointed report that was open to interpretation. Edgar Codd recognised this as a problem, and published a paper in 1970, altering the way people thought about databases. His  proposal of developing a “relational database model” gained tremendous popularity, and was adapted worldwide. Business intelligence is understood and evolved from the decision support systems (DSS) that began in the 1960s and developed throughout the mid-1980s even spread out to the countries like Holland, Flanders, France, and Germany.

Now BI is evolving in every industry throughout the world but in olden times, most of the business people found it very difficult to analyse data. Let’s rewind and go back to olden times on how business intelligence has been evolved from then to now. According to the History of Business Intelligence, the term “Business Intelligence” first appeared in Richard Millar Devens’ Cyclopaedia of Commercial and Business Anecdotes in the year of 1865. After that Sir Henry Furnese gained profit by receiving and acting upon information about his environment, prior to his competitors.

Ver más: https://analyticsindiamag.com/a-look-at-the-evolution-of-bi-platform-over-the-years/

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